Body As Teacher: Cultivating embodied awareness and language


Instructor: Kim Rothwell, LCPC, BC-DMT, GL-CMA

Upcoming Date: TBD

Location: 1802 W Berteau, suite 205, Chicago

Cost: $425

15 NBCC credits offered for additional $25

More details below…


Course Description: This class is designed to support the embodiment and resilience of counselors in their clinical work with clients by supporting mindful embodiment and processing of somatic counter-transference. Authentic Movement is a practice in which a person moves with eyes closed in the presence of a witness. The mover allows her attention to “drop in” to the embodied experience of sensation, impulse, emotion, and imagery, allowing movement to unfold from a deep inner wisdom. The witness holds the space by keeping eyes open and creating a safe container for the movement to unfold. By coming into contact with ones own embodied experience with curiosity, openness, and acceptance, we are better equipped to work with the somatic countertransference present in the therapeutic relationship.

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Registration closes two weeks prior to class start date. If you are trying to enter a class within two weeks of the start date, please contact us at prior to purchasing to confirm your spot.