The Embodied Education Institute of Chicago (EEIC) offers regular continuing education workshops. See each individual course for available continuing education credits. Broadly, these workshops are designed for anyone interested in enhancing their clinical knowledge and practice. You can find our upcoming workshops below.  If you have an idea for a continuing education workshop and/or are interested in facilitating a continuing education workshop through EEIC email us at

Please view our student contract here.

Registration instructions are available at the bottom of the page. An application is not required for workshops.

Embodied Education Institute of Chicago has been approved by NBCC as an Approved
Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7458. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Embodied Education Institute of Chicago is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
CEs can be purchased for an additional $25/course or workshop within the registration page of the website.


The Body as Teacher: Cultivating Body Awareness & Language 

Instructor: Kim Rothwell, BC-DMT, LMHC, LCPC, CADC

Date: October 18-20, 2024

Cost: $425 + $25 if CEs are requested

Email with any questions

Course Description:

This class is designed to support the embodiment and resilience of counselors in their clinical work with clients by supporting mindful embodiment and processing of somatic counter-transference. Authentic Movement is a practice in which a person moves with eyes closed in the presence of a witness. The mover allows her attention to “drop in” to the embodied experience of sensation, impulse, emotion, and imagery, allowing movement to unfold from a deep inner wisdom. The witness holds the space by keeping eyes open and creating a safe container for the movement to unfold. By coming into contact with ones own embodied experience with curiosity, openness, and acceptance, we are better equipped to work with the somatic countertransference present in the therapeutic relationship.

Register Here


Not approved by the ADTA for credit towards the AR-DMT


Level 1: Somatic-Concentric Sex Therapy Training-Chicago 

Instructor: Melissa Walker MA, R-DMT, LPC, CST

Location: 1802 W Berteau, Suite 205, Chicago.

Upcoming Date: April 25-27, 2025  10am-4pm each day

Cost: $825 to register on line NBCC & AASECT CEs additional $25

Packaged together with Level 2 both courses total $1500

Somatic-Concentric Sex Therapy is 12 years in the making, designed by Melissa Walker MA, R-DMT, LPC, CST (she/her) who crafted a union of sex therapy with somatic psychotherapy and dance/movement therapy. Melissa designed it with the working therapist in mind. You will learn an experiential model for understanding and working with the sexuality of your clients that includes assessment tools, interventions, applications for the individual and those in relationship, as well as an embodied ethical decision-making method to work through the boundary issues that inevitably arise in therapy.

After this course, you will have the tools to get clients out of the talk therapy space and into their bodies as you guide them through a somatic-based experience that will help them ally with their sexuality. The goal is for these tools to be incorporated into your practice with your own style and flair as you too will be guided through experientials that help you learn this model from the inside out.

Bring your excitement, your curiosity, and your wisdom as we learn together how to rewrite sex-negative, disembodied sex/ual/ity. The possibilities are truly endless.

  • Understand and articulate a somatic and dance movement therapy approach to sex therapy * Support your clients to develop a practice of secure attachment with their body 
  • Learn the Erotic Bodyfulness practice*
  • Understand arousal anatomy as a part of total body connectivity 
  • Learn a model of Whole-Person Sexual Response
  • Assess a client's sexual problems using an integrated clinical somatic tool that incorporates body movement observation and assessment which also integrates the impact of their sociocultural location.
  • Address common presenting sexual problems such as desire difference, arousal non-concordance, anorgasmia, or arousal anatomy difficulties.
  • Apply this inclusive somatic model to a diversity of client experiences & presentations
  • Navigate ethical dilemmas that arise in therapy
  • Support your clients to craft their own supportive community & therapeutic team

15 NBCC hours+ ASECT Credits $25 at checkout

2024 Chicago Somatic Concentric Sex Therapy

For more information, email:

Register Here

Listen to Kim Rothwell's interview of Melissa here


Level 1: Somatic-Concentric Sex Therapy Training-Bellingham, WA 

Instructor: Melissa Walker MA, R-DMT, LPC, CST

Location: Bellingham, WA

Upcoming Date: TBD  10am-4pm each day

Cost: $825 to register on line NBCC & AASECT CEs additional $25

Packaged together with Level 2 both courses total $1500

Somatic-Concentric Sex Therapy is 12 years in the making, designed by Melissa Walker MA, R-DMT, LPC, CST (she/her) who crafted a union of sex therapy with somatic psychotherapy and dance/movement therapy. Melissa designed it with the working therapist in mind. You will learn an experiential model for understanding and working with the sexuality of your clients that includes assessment tools, interventions, applications for the individual and those in relationship, as well as an embodied ethical decision-making method to work through the boundary issues that inevitably arise in therapy.

After this course, you will have the tools to get clients out of the talk therapy space and into their bodies as you guide them through a somatic-based experience that will help them ally with their sexuality. The goal is for these tools to be incorporated into your practice with your own style and flair as you too will be guided through experientials that help you learn this model from the inside out.

Bring your excitement, your curiosity, and your wisdom as we learn together how to rewrite sex-negative, disembodied sex/ual/ity. The possibilities are truly endless.

  • Understand and articulate a somatic and dance movement therapy approach to sex therapy * Support your clients to develop a practice of secure attachment with their body 
  • Learn the Erotic Bodyfulness practice*
  • Understand arousal anatomy as a part of total body connectivity 
  • Learn a model of Whole-Person Sexual Response
  • Assess a client's sexual problems using an integrated clinical somatic tool that incorporates body movement observation and assessment which also integrates the impact of their sociocultural location.
  • Address common presenting sexual problems such as desire difference, arousal non-concordance, anorgasmia, or arousal anatomy difficulties.
  • Apply this inclusive somatic model to a diversity of client experiences & presentations
  • Navigate ethical dilemmas that arise in therapy
  • Support your clients to craft their own supportive community & therapeutic team

15 NBCC hours+ ASECT Credits $25 at checkout

2024 Bellingham SCST

For more information, email:

Register Here

Listen to Kim Rothwell's interview of Melissa here


Level 2: Somatic-Concentric Sex Therapy Training: Experiential Relationship Work

Instructor: Melissa Walker MA, R-DMT, LPC, CST

Location: 1802 W Berteau, Suite 205, Chicago.

Upcoming Date: coming May, 2025

Cost: $825 to register on line

15 AASECT & NBCC CEs additional $25

Packaged together with Level 1 training both courses $1500 total

Working with couples can be challenging. The dynamic of a couple can often dominate the room with dysregulated nervous systems, entrenched beliefs, and an unwieldy relationship attachment styles. You may have found that talking through each issue and providing accurate and insightful sexual intimacy education simply doesn't address the underlying difficulties.

Your clients may have shifted their beliefs and intentions, but they still act out the same painful dynamic. This is because the relational dynamic does not just live in their minds or known vocabulary —The relational dynamic lives itself out moment to moment in the ways that the intimate partner’s bodies organize in each other’s presence and the habits they play out when they are in contact with
each other.

We can support our clients to create lasting change when we address the ways that their bodies relate to each other through the patterns of muscle tension, movement habits, breath quality, and gaze while understanding how their sociocultural experiences have influenced how they inhabit their bodies. This is a holistic and empowering way of working.

This Level 2 training will present a map for working with a relationship dynamic that is grounded in the experiential model of Somatic-Concentric Sex Therapy. We will explore:

  • Embodied consent in committed relationship
  • Relational somatic sculpturing to bring the underlying dynamic into the workable space
  • Body movement assessment interventions for experiential clinical work that also teaches
    practices for clients to take home.
  • Combining Erotic Maps to support the couple with how they shift from challenging aspects of
    their sexual intimacy into easeful and exciting ways of relating.
  • Applying Erotic Bodyfulness practice to both affection and sexual intimacy
  • How to support a rhythm of secure attachment within relationship
  • How to help clients meaningfully engage with the structure of their monogamous or non-
    monogamous relationship to support their connection and growth

For more information, email:

Register Here

Listen to Kim Rothwell's interview with Melissa here


Pediatric Eating Disorders & OCD: The Body as a Feared Place 

Instructor: Kristen Mennona, LPC CEDS BC-DMT RYT GLCMA 

Location: Chicago

Cost: $785

Upcoming Date: TBA

Obsessive Compulsive disorder and eating disorders thrive in an environment of fear, body avoidance and relief seeking behaviors. The body's fear response will be examined from evolutionary, physiological and neurobiological perspectives. Modern-day eating disorders and OCD will be explored as escape strategies for uncomfortable bodily sensations. Dance/movement therapy will be applied as a method to build body trust, instill courage and restore aliveness through a mindful, embodied, improvisational, and playful approach. A special focus on embodying imperfection, practicing gratitude and building a “window of tolerance” for uncomfortable bodily sensations will help students craft a body map of their own fear response system. Forming an embodied relationship to fear allows participants to increase their body threshold for body discomfort. This course centers the practitioner's self-discovery as a guide on how to help others. 

Additional Information Available Here

15 NBCC hours

For more information, email:

Register Here

Listen to Kim Rothwell's interview with Kristen here


Performance as Therapy

Instructor: Kris Eric Larsen, LCPC, BC-DMT, GL-CMA 

Location: 1802 W. Berteau Suite 205, Chicago

Cost: $350

Upcoming Date: TBD

Performance involves preparation through engagement on many levels, intrapersonal and interpersonal. It includes being
immersed in the creative process, feedback on the emerging creation and its integration. While there is an ongoing reflective
dialogue between the process and the product, it also involves active decision making and community building.

As therapists we often ask how we can sustain connection to our creative selves while in the midst of working in a field of
suffering. We also wonder how we can engage our clients in new perspectives that are based in creativity and the role of
community in group process and healing. Performance as Therapy is a developed framework seeking to expand the practice of
creative arts therapies and also that of counseling as it involves many of the techniques found in humanism, group process and
positive psychology while bridging the gap between verbal and non-verbal processes. It asks the question “What is the role of
self in creativity and how this relationship is fundamental to therapeutic performance, multicultural expression and human

This workshop will explore the 4 concepts of creative process and art making, developed by the workshop presenters.
Participants will be guided through the 4 concepts as they explore the journey from finding the inner impulse to create all the
way to community performance.


For more information, email:

Register Here


Experiential Anatomy/Kinesiology

(NBCC credit not available)

Instructor: Kristina Fluty, MA, GL-CMA, MPA

In person with online options

1802 W. Berteau, Suite 205, CHciago

January 24-26, 2025; Friday 6-9pm; Sat/Sun 9-4pm

Cost: $425

For movers, dancers, movement practitioners/artists, dance/movement therapists, teachers, and anyone who wants to deepen their embodiment and understanding of the amazing ways our bodies move. Engaging experiential and somatic modes of learning this course will cover basic human anatomy and kinesiology with an overview of bones, major muscle groups, and general workings of the musculoskeletal system. Students will begin to understand the complexities of the body through movement, reading, drawing, discussion, writing, video, and touch exercises. We will integrate what we learn from tuning into our individual sensed experience, observations of the world (and bodies) around us, and material information from the fields of anatomy and kinesiology. It is important to note that study of “the body,” our bodies, does not exist outside of the particular societies and cultures in which we live. Our work in this course acknowledges the impact and influence of culture on traditions of teaching anatomy, and the importance and relevance of our individual experiences of gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, ability, on lived embodied experience and body knowledge.

1 Credit Hour / 15 classroom hours

For more information, email

Register Here


Experiential Anatomy II Workshop: Re-map, Re-Inhabit, Re-imgaine 

(NBCC credits not available)

Instructors: Madeleine Reber, MA

Online Course

Next session date: TBA

Cost: $125

This workshop builds upon the material covered in the first Experiential Anatomy and Kinesiology course and is based in experiential anatomy, Bartenieff Fundamentals, and other somatic practices. In this more advanced course, we home in on upper and lower body connectivity through the Patterns of Total Body Connectivity with experiential practice supported by visual diagrams, video, and other anatomical information. We will palpate muscles and bones, naming these structures as we move them. The multilayered knowing of BODY AS SELF that happens in this work is grounding and empowering - a wonderful way to feel more whole in oneself, and to add depth and possibility to working with others in therapeutic, educational, and creative contexts.

For more information, email:

Register Here


Cultural Humility and Responsibility through the Power of Story

Instructor: Ebony Nichols

on-line - Two Weekend Format


Cost: $850

As dance/movement therapists we are bound by our code of ethics, which serves as our guide to upholding professional values and standards of conduct.  Multicultural competence and promotion of social justice are included in the code.  Additionally, dance/movement therapists are expected to examine how their own cultural background influences their place within the therapeutic relationship.  In this course, students will be invited to examine and expand their own belief systems and world views in service of providing ethical and competent care for clients.  The vehicle for this process will be conducted through story; the stories we have been told and the stories we tell ourselves, which all live in our bodies, our movement, and in our relationships.  The code of ethics also charges dance/movement therapists with cultivating awareness of oppression, power, and privilege.  In this course students will explore how power, privilege, oppression, and collective liberation intersect with our work as dance/movement therapists.  Students will explore how key features of oppression show up on societal/cultural, institutional, interpersonal, and individual levels.  By observing and making contact with the ways in which we have been affected by dynamics of privilege and oppression we can begin to repattern habitual ways of being that may interfere with cultivating connection with others.  In this course, systematic oppression will be looked at through the lens of trauma providing students the opportunity to apply trauma-informed and healing centered approaches to their therapeutic work.

2 credit hours / 30 classroom hours - Approved by the ADTA

30 NBCC CEs  for additional $25 paid at checkout

For more information, email:

Register Here


Instructor: Stacey Hurst, BC-DMT, LCPC, GL-CMA

Online/In person course

Date: Sept. 7-8, 2024 9-6pm

Cost: $425

Call Stacey at 312-543-2133 or email with questions

Course Description: Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) and Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF) give dance/movement therapists a common language to study movement and its developmental aspects, informing our relationship to self, other, and the environment. LMA I contextualizes LMA and BF in history and within the field of dance/movement therapy. This course provides a framework for how to structure and approach movement observation, an understanding of the cultural and therapeutic implications of Body Knowledge/Body Prejudice, and a forum for the student to identify their own movement preferences and limitations. LMA I will also provide a general overview of the core principles of movement and of Rudolf Laban’s taxonomy of human movement. The course will be grounded through both didactic and movement experientials to support multiple learning preferences. LMA I will provide the foundation for all other LMA classes to follow.

1 credit hour / 15 classroom hours - Approved by the ADTA/15 NBCC CEs

Register Here


To register, please visit the Class Registration page and add relevant courses to your cart. Select your trimester and payment option (pay in full, deposit, or payment plan). You may register for future trimesters that do not yet have dates scheduled to reserve your spot, but please note that your deposit is nonrefundable. If you have any questions regarding classes, payment plans, or other concerns, please reach out to

Discount codes are not available for workshops and continuing education classes, except for Experiential Anatomy/Kinesiology and Laban Movement Analysis [which fall under the AR-DMT category as well].

The student contract is available here.